3 Secrets You Must Know Before You Try Stand-up Comedy

3 Secrets You Must Know Before You Try Stand-up Comedy If you are one of those people who have heard this statement over and over again: “You should be a comedian!” Then the chances are pretty darn good that you have seriously considered taking a shot at stand-up comedy. If that describes you and you want to progress quickly, here are 3 secrets that you must know before you jump into the stand-up comedy arena… Secret #1: You don’t have to fabricate or invent some sort of special “stage character” to make rapid progress as a comedian. Unfortunately, most people looking to try stand-up comedy are under the impression that they must develop some sort of special “stage character” in order to succeed as a comedian. That is 100% false and actually adds an unnecessary level of difficulty to developing a stand-up comedy act that gets noteworthy laughs. The truth of the matter is — you are already the most unique “character” that you will ever be. You already have a well developed sense of humor, along with natural expressive comedy traits that you use effortlessly to make others laugh in everyday life. These attributes make up the unique “character” that you already are and that you can easily use to your advantage as a comedian if you know how. Let me put this another way — the comedy mechanics that you use naturally to generate laughs from friends, family, Continue reading 3 Secrets You Must Know Before You Try Stand-up Comedy