Why Joke Formulas Don’t Work

Why Joke Formulas Don’t Work Training Module One: Intro And Lesson Links Introduction In the previous lesson, I began demonstrating one of the major flaws associated with “conventional” joke writing as it is perceived by comedians and taught today by so-called comedy “experts” in order to produce stand-up comedy material. Another major flaw involves trying to use “joke formulas” to produce powerful and funny stand-up comedy material. There are countless numbers of prospective comedians who search the Internet night and day looking for the best “joke formulas” to use in order to “write” stand-up comedy material that gets big laughs. Others buy book after book and attend expensive stand-up comedy schools and workshops to try to learn and apply “joke formulas”. But if you understand what a joke formula really is, then you will also understand why joke formulas are largely worthless when it comes to developing stand-up comedy material that actually works on an individual by individual basis. Here’s what you won’t learn from a comedy workshop, comedy school or read from ANY of the popular books on “writing” stand-up comedy material when it comes to joke formulas… What Is A Joke Formula? Joke formulas are actually nothing more than definitions of particular sentence or word structures that have been associated with laughter generation. For example, one such joke formula is called a Comparison: Comparison: When a person, place or thing is compared to another in a humorous way. Continue reading Why Joke Formulas Don’t Work